The Pitta dosha is comprised of fire and water energy. Those with a predominance of the Pitta dosha tend to have a fiery and fiesty nature that manifests in both the body and mind. They are natural leaders and often very ambitious, if not slightly leaning towards having a competitive nature.

Pittas have a warm body temperature and often sweat easily. They sleep soundly for short bursts and tend to have a strong sex drive. Of all the doshas, Pittas have a strong digestion, making them think they can eat almost anything.

When Pitta is in balance, you will tend to be goal-oriented, ambitious, and passionate. When Pitta falls out of balance, you can become angry, impatient, forceful and may suffer from skin rashes, burning sensations, heartburn and indigestion.

It’s important to note that all 3 doshas are in everybody, and so anyone can experience a Vata, Pitta or Kapha imbalance (aggravation) at any given time due to a number of varying factors (seasonal, age, climate and other environmental influences).

However, most people will have 1 or 2 dominant dosha(s) in their result and these are the ones you should pay attention to especially as they’re most natural and dominant to your physical and mental character.

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There is a lot more to Ayurveda than discovering your dosha and at Kalsi we have created a welcome  email series to explain everything to you in more detail. Enter your email below to discover Ayurveda with Kalsi and please follow along with the blogs and content we share over the next few days, as in these emails we will be outlining and explaining how to embrace Ayurveda the Kalsi way. Think of this as being like a mini online course in Ayurveda that you can access for free today!

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There is a lot more to Ayurveda than discovering your dosha and at Kalsi we have created a welcome  email series to explain everything to you in more detail. Enter your email below to discover Ayurveda with Kalsi and please follow along with the blogs and content we share over the next few days, as in these emails we will be outlining and explaining how to embrace Ayurveda the Kalsi way. Think of this as being like a mini online course in Ayurveda that you can access for free today!